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Credit Sneeze & permafrost

  Credit sneeze a liquidity freeze & crime squeeze?

On serious dislocation within the chaos of the global economy or just another double-bubble we shall overcome? How the U.S. Squeezed the Globe and 'What Really Sank the United States of America'.

Top-class Hedge-Fun about private equity and public equality where the Fed seal of approved crime relocates to the permafrost of collective amnesia, dubbed the New Fed Facility from where messages can be send to investors and speculators alike in clear smoke-signals of sustainable transparency like the Northernlight of Bank-i-Moon. Borrowing in the overnight repo market will be an extended business deal for special interests who can afford to submerge.

The credit market contraction is more than a mere sneeze of enduring Enronitis where securities firms exchange crime and criminal conduct based on fundamentally crooked and forged energy contracts of global scope and scale. Write down your fun and book now to balance the sheets left to right.

The deep, underground fear-based recession of greed-technology depression following the global stingflation is more than a flashlight situation of risk-fee trading. Being slow on capital and security as a non-tradeable entity involves an active strategy misleading non-performing consumers with low financial literacy who often rely on loan sharks to cope with life and neighbours.

Trade Talks.  Industry Walks.





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