The Chasm of Faith
The global public-private partnership-doctrine accompanied by growing integrity-failure and transparency-delusion thrives on prevailing winds of greed in a unfair, erroneous setting of accumulating entanglement of 'incorporated governance' without due compass or sense of direction.
The feel-good economy overruled by U.S.-imperialism and global cash-out fundamentalism makes the parliamentary democracy a mirage without a message, unable to comprehend and materialize world stability and safeguard the common good in the public domain.
Forced partnerships consist mainly of unequal partners, like the Dutch 'Gasunie' of 1963, where U.S. technology-advantage virtually dictates corporate conduct: Exxon rules Shell; nonetheless both partners have an 'equal' share of 25%! Economic fundamentalism rules the world.
Power-sharing and terrorism are hollow phrases unless redefined top-down in the global context. Transatlantic transparency towards a transition for shared integrity-rules being far from reality, the need for a fundamental debate and elucidation of public-private relations in view of the globalization-trends is unparalleled.
Exxell Stephan GM Tychon, chief officer of change.
:++ State-corporate crime
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